The Early Morning Trip

I remember every bit about that morning. I had been up all night like a small kid, who cannot hide his excitement for school picnic. It was 4 of us, my best-friends!! We all had come up with the stupidest plan to go over to the Tbilisi sea and then watch sunrise at sharp 5 a.m.  Even though it was summer, it was like 2-3 degrees. We packed our bags with lots of food and water and some wine which apparently was leftover from the previous night, where were partying like animals!! We booked a cab and got on our way to Tbilisi sea. It was shivering cold but nothing could stop us. It was dark when we left for sea but upon reaching, the sky was baby blue with shining salmon color. We stood on shoreline searching meticulous place to see sunrise . There we were busy in clicking pictures, with all the stupid poses we could give. And soon, one of us realized how great it would be to trek up on the mountain nearby and get a marvelous view!! We had only half hour until sunrise and to be honest it wasn’t much big of a mountain . So we raced to the top but it turned out we weren’t that fast because we kept clicking on our way till top and before we knew it, sun was up in sky shining all bright. AND all of sudden, I found THE perfect picture spot!! Sunshine was clouting the trees to shine radiant and with the greenery dancing along the wind, clouds couldn’t resist to gloom between trees it was like a poem in itself. As far as, I could hear was only the pleasing sound of birds. You know some memories always be in your heart…. this one was one of it!!

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