Your place!

Your place

Don’t you love it when u just sit alone on a bench, where there are trees waving in air and a big sea ahead in front of you with the most beautiful sunrise or maybe sunset! Isn’t it amazing? You know, whenever I feel lost or whenever I want to get away from this world I go this amazing place, where I can just be myself! I just turn my cellphone off and sit there maybe for hours, not thinking about anything, not worrying about my future but just letting my body soak in the sunshine, the cold-humid breeze and the beautiful view. And a book is just a cherry on top! I am an ambivert, but much on an introvert side so I prefer being there alone with my book and my imagination. Being a foodie, I keep fantasizing about food but also some of stupid scenarios where maybe I am saving the world or maybe fighting goons and suddenly, I am on top of the world. Sitting there quietly, makes me calm enough to make important decisions, look towards life in more positive way. Not that I just go there to find solutions or to run away but to be happy because that is my place!! You know ‘THE PLACE' where everything is sorted and magical, where you feel safe!!

                               "Tell us about your me place and how you feel whenever you are there."


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